Ninja Opps is a score attack based arcade experience, that utilizes zippy mechanics to deliver a tactical yet fun experience.  The ability to freely spam the controls yet still deliver challenging obstalces makes the gameplay all the more engaging. All code is available on GitHub at This project was overall a great learning experince for not only our game development skill, but programming in general. 



- W,A,S,D or Arrow Keys


- Shuriken (J)

- Slice (K)

- Super Slice (L)

Teleports: (U, I, and  O) [Directly above the J,K, and L keys]

- Press a teleport key to place  a return kunai then press the same key again to teleport back to it.


This project was a group effort with me, colecantu904, and Prototyype who also signed up for the Block Born 90's jam.

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